“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

Meet Jatinder Singh, LegalShield Southern California

I started marketing Legalshield about 13 years ago because I needed the services of a lawyer to advise me on a contract that I had signed earlier. There were fraudulent claims that I did not agree with, and I did not want to spend hundreds of dollars per hour on consultation. Membership in LegalShield provided me access to the fifth largest law firm in California which helped me get favorable resolution of my issue with the contract holder.

Our Ideal Customers

My target market is small businesses and individuals who would benefit from legal advice before, during and after any transaction, or interaction with others. Our business owners, for instance, can benefit from the excellent legal advice about California Consumer Privacy Act.

Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge is making people believe that we have access to the top-rated lawyers/law firms for such a small investment. Volume pricing – over 4 million members paying their small membership subscription every month – gives LegalShield the ability to pay top dollar to the premier law firms in the country. As a member of LegalShield, you will always have access to the top law firms in every state!

Recent Success

One of our business members had a client who owed them $4,000 and was avoiding his efforts at collection. He used the LegalShield membership and contacted the law firm, who wrote a demand letter on their letterhead, and as a result, received the moneys owed.

How We Keep Going

Since small businesses are the life blood of our economy, providing them access to legal counsel that does not drain their coffers is what keeps me going.

Community First

If businesses and individuals succeed, the community prospers and that translates to prosperity for everyone.

In Five Years…

In five years, my goal is to protect and empower 2,500 business owners through membership in LegalShield and I plan on getting there through education and networking organizations.

We’re Inspired By

I’m inspired by the fact that I’m providing a service that empowers and protects individuals and businesses that traditionally have not been able to afford adequate legal advice to protect themselves.

 Entrepreneurs, Listen Up

Just this: success leaves clues! Model other successful people, especially in the same endeavor you’re pursuing and follow their system. Network with successful entrepreneurs and you will learn from their successes and mistakes.

Connect with Jatinder Singh


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